According to an article from ABC News the game of chess originated in India 1,500 year ago
by an Indian Brahmin. Even in ancient Persian (Iranian) texts from 531
A.D. it states the game was invented in India. The Indian King Balhait
was discouraged when his subjects were resorting to gambling. King
Balhait ordered the Brahmin to design a chess game called chaturanga to
help strengthen his people's intelligence. Now in modern India they are
producing world champion chess players.
Math may not be a favorite subject in school for many, but its origins
date back to ancient India. As far back as 2000 B.C. during India's
Vedic times the concept of zero, geometry, algebra and algorithms was
already established. One of India's greatest mathematicians gave the value of Pi - 3.1416
and the formulated math tables called the "Tables of Sine."
Brahmaguptha developed the rules of operation for "zero" with his
theories of the addition or subtraction of zero from or to any quantity
(either negative or positive) has no effect. The product of any quantity