Tips on making your family a happy
is the vital building blocks of every civilization from the Stone Age to Information Age. “A
happy family makes a happy society”. Everybody wants to reside in a happy
family, as family is the place where human beings find the completeness of life.
Contemporary families often face multiple relationship matters which have appears
as contribution of the conservers changed lifestyle and les intense
Some of Important inevitable
building blocks that make a happy family are mentioned below:
Always Be There for Each One in the Family:
Presence or
availability is the most essential bonding factor that enhances the family
relationship. Parents should be available for kids in each of their needs and
similarly the couples each other. It should be with the family that each of the
family members spends most of their time. Never take the work stress or other
unwanted tensions home. As you step into the home, the prior concern should be
home only.
Find time to talk to
each of the members and arrange activities for the entire family to take part.
Family prayers, cooking, watching television, outing etc., are perfect family
activities to make a happy family. Family should not be considered a place to
just rest after the work and eat the food.
Show without shy the Affection and consideration:
Do not miss an
opportunity to be affectionate with the spouse and kids. Let the entire family
move on experiencing a warmth feeling. Unexpressed love is equal to no love at
all. Encouragement is another important aspect that boosts the happiness and
affection in the family. Be lavish enough to encourage the family members in
all their attempts and even for the minute successes.
Always communicate regularly and effectively:
Communication is the
key to build a jovial family. Be positive in your communication within the
family and truly, the positive communication is the language of love. Talk to
each other in the family frequently and designating family together times every
day is helpful to this purpose. Even between the spouses, talking eases the
tensions and promotes the attachment. Never argue or shout at each other
unnecessarily. Family should be a place everyone wants to be with always.
Custom of love and admiration:
Be caution with Clashes, Blames and irritations :
Equality is the Best Quality
Considering each of
the family members equal and not being partial to anyone is the best qualities
a family member can posses. When everybody in the family is considered equal it
boosts the confidence, security feeling and affection. Accept the opinions of
everyone in the family when family related decision are taken and facilitate
mutual respect among family members if you wish to convert your family into a
happy family.
Ways of Fostering the Affection in
and love in the family is quite nature and must to have elements to promote the
harmony and positive growth of the family. It is the deep affection that makes
parents inclined to the sacrifices of growing up kids, perform household
activities and meet the financial requirements. If the affection factor is
absent no one would have lived dedicatedly for the family.
The affection obligates parents to take pain of looking
after the kids and similarly, kids to love and obey the parents. Constantly
nurturing the affection in the family is essential to keep the bond of love
between the members of the family strong. It is the unmatched affection that
creates the belongingness in the family life.
The affection expressed within the family is not benevolence
but a commitment. Verbal expressions of affection, quality time spend with the
family, gifts, mutual services, affectionate touch etc... are the most advised
modes of nurturing the affection in the family between the family members.
Expression of
Lavish expression of
affection is the best way of fostering it. Verbal expression, physical
expression etc., helps the affection to be conveyed to others and also to
encourage other members of the family to follow the same. Verbal expression of
affection means telling others how you feel about them and how much you love
them. Anything said to make them feel loved, or validated can be called the
verbal expression of affection.
concealing and complimenting helps others understand the depth of concern you
feel for them. Apart from the verbal expression of love, there are certain
physical expressions too, to foster the affection between the family members.
Hugging them, kissing them etc., are common physical expressions of love and
Spending Time Together
Spending quality
time together is an obvious method of nurturing the affection among the members
of the family. Such occasions are opportunity for every member to know each
other, listen to each other and share with them and care for them.
Involving in any
family activity with an objective of nurturing the relationship and developing
the affection may be helpful to bind the people together in love. Eating
together, outdoor games and walks, storytelling, gardening etc., are examples
of family activity. Quality time means spending the time effectively so that it
will help others feel more affectionate and attached.
Mutual Services:
Helping each one in
family unconditionally is a way of increasing the affection between the members
of the family. Helping the kids in study or helping wife in kitchen can arouse
a feeling of love. If you want your family to be remained most attached always,
then do not miss any opportunity to help them. Even trivial services like
helping a child to fasten the lace of the shoes may foster the attachment
Many people commit
the mistake of helping the family members with certain conditions like 'if you
do that to me, then I will help you with this'. This is the wrong way of
dealing and behaving with the members of the family. Let the help be
unconditional, if you really wish to gain the love and respect of them.
Affectionate Touch:
Actions like hug,
kiss, patting, shake hand etc., directly convey how you feel for them and care
them. They are well appreciated ways of expressing affection, especially in the
family. Kids get great encouragement and confidence from a proper physical
touch of affection. It also conveys a nearness of the dear ones and availability
of them in need.
Stress Management in Family
Any kind of stress
felt in the family can affect each one of the members and also the entire
jovial atmosphere of the family. Each one of the family member lives in various
situations and it is possible that any one of them undergo stressful situations
any time of life. Stress is an unpredictable element of life, though
precautions work to an extent, learning best ways of stress management is the
only solution to avoid the after effects of stress.
Let us see the ways
of stress guarding the family in the most successful way:
Learn to recognize stress:
Stress is an
invisible emotion as it doesn't have a specific form of expression. Stress is
more or less an abstract emotion and gets expressed with the help of many other
negative emotions. Also, there is no a single common expression corresponding
to stress. A person may get angry when he/she is stressed; another one may
break into tears and yet another person may feel depressed.
Each person may
develop his/her own mode of stress releasing and expression. Family members
should know each other well and also should learn the ways of expressing the
stress. Only if you learn the mode of expression of each person, you can
understand who is stressed out and who not.
Dealing with Stress in Children:
Elders may control
stress within a limit and also might have developed own ways of limiting the
expression of stress within the boundary of social acceptance. Kids also feel
stress at various situations. The academic learning demands, friendship
struggles etc., may make them stressed out. Family is the only place they can flow
out the tensions freely.
When kids act in
strange ways, or show angry; then parents need to understand that there is some
stress lying underneath the minds and they are just expressing it through
resistance, defense and anger. Teach kids that stress is a common emotion and
also let them be trained with the methods of dealing with it. Proper
understanding of life situations may help children to take stressful situations
Stress of Spouse:
In a family life the
partners may have to share every emotion equally. When your spouse is tensed
out of certain issues you may not just stay away from him/her and isolate the
person to be more stressed. When the tensions shared, they get reduced half the
way. If you feel that your spouse is undergoing certain stress, create a
feeling that you are always with him/her and try to understand the reason for
stress by communicating with the person in a soothing way.
Do not blame or
shout at the person for getting into the stressful situation, even if it is the
mistake of the person. Tell him/her that such occasions are common in your life
and advice the ways of leaving it behind. You can also do certain favors to the
person by cooking some food for him/her or doing some of the works which is
bound to the person. Let the person be calm and quiet, away from disturbing
works and talks.
Family Stress Relief Activities:
When the entire
family or a particular member is stressed out, you can introduce some family
activity that can ease the situation. An outdoor dinner is an excellent idea
for helping a person to release the stress. Family outings, cooking, outdoor
games, camping etc., may ease the situation and divert the attention of the
stressed person into something interesting.
When you feel that a
member in the family is stressed or tensed, do not leave the person unattended
or isolated as it may make the person suffer more and get into unwanted
expressions. Introducing a better health plan is essential to avoid frequent
stress among the members of the family.
- By Karthik.KG
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